One of the most frequent questions I get asked is what I eat on myWW. The answer is – whatever I want! Seriously, one of the things that I love the most about WW is that there is no strict list of food you have to eat or can’t eat. No matter what you want to eat, or your eating style (vegan, vegetarian, Paleo, Whole30, etc), you can still follow the myWW program.
That’s because every food and drink has a SmartPoints value assigned to it. Based on your age, height, weight, and sex, WW gives you a SmartPoints budget to use daily, and then a bank of weekly SmartPoints to use if you’d like. Use your points wisely, and you can have the things you enjoy (in moderation) and still reach your goals. Learn more about how SmartPoints work here on
Meal Planning on myWW Blue
I have a daily SmartPoints budget of 23 points right now, and a weekly bank of 28 SmartPoints to use if needed. I plan my meals around ZeroPoint foods including fruits, veggies, and lean proteins like eggs, salmon, shrimp, and other fish.
As a busy mom who works full-time outside of our home and runs the Naturally Glam platforms, I like to keep it simple and consistent during the week. I hard boil eggs, and cook the chicken, salmon, shrimp, etc for my meals for the week.
I also wash and slice any fresh fruit or veggies, and cook any veggies I’ll be eating for the week. This way I can mix and match and have plenty of options for the work week. On the weekend, I might get a little adventurous and try more recipes when I have more time to spare.

I also try to find alternatives to things I love that traditionally would have a high SmartPoint value. I use sugar-free coffee creamer, unsweetened almond milk or water in my smoothies, and sparkling water instead of sodas. I use zero calorie sweeteners to add in my coffee and smoothies as well, like this PureCane sweetener. You can find this in single-serve packets or in a bag as a baking sugar substitute.
When I stick to this, I usually stay below my daily SmartPoints limit. This allows me to add even more points to my weekly SmartPoints, so that I have more freedom to treat myself if I want.
What I Eat for Breakfast: 0 – 4 SmartPoints
For breakfast, eggs are my go-to. I usually hard boil a dozen eggs on Sunday in my pressure cooker to last me the entire week. I usually have 2 hard boiled eggs along with fresh fruit and a cup of coffee with sugar-free coffee creamer. On the weekends when I have time to cook, I will make mackerel or salmon cakes (canned mackerel or salmon, diced bell peppers and onions, and an egg to bind – all ZeroPoints) in my air fryer to go along with scramble eggs and fresh fruit. Also, coffee.

Another breakfast option is a smoothie. I add collagen peptides (the brand I use is ZeroPoints) and a plant-based protein powder (2-3 SmartPoints depending on the brand), mixed with water and some unsweetened almond milk (1 SmartPoint per cup), and frozen fruit. If I have a smoothie for breakfast, I usually save my hard boiled eggs for my salad for lunch.

What I Eat for Lunch: 2 – 5 SmartPoints
Most days I have a large salad for lunch made with romaine lettuce (I hate spring mix – I like my lettuce crunchy), cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers. I top my salad with salmon or shrimp, a hard boiled egg or two, and some low SmartPoint salad dressing.

Some days, I’ll have a vegan protein burger or have a salmon burger on low SmartPoint bread. along with that, I’ll have a small salad or cooked veggies. If I don’t have that, I’ll usually just bring leftovers from dinner. Let’s talk about what I usually eat for dinner.
What I Eat for Dinner: 3 – 8 SmartPoints
For dinner, I have a lean protein like salmon or shrimp, along with some veggies and either quinoa or brown rice. I love to roast broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers and onions on a sheet pan and have that as my veggie. I also like to sauté fresh whole green beans. Sometimes I’ll cook cabbage or collard greens in the pressure cooker. Another veggie option is cauliflower fried rice, which I love to pair with shrimp or bay scallops.

At least one night a week we have tacos. I use either shrimp or meatless crumbs that are either 0 or 1 SmartPoint, and fill tortillas with that and some veggies. If I want to save SmartPoints, I use a whole wheat tortilla. But if I have enough to spare, I use flour tortillas because they are the best in my opinion.

Our other standing weekly dinner meal is pasta and meat(less) sauce. I use either Gardein meatless meatballs or Beyond Meat plant-based ground meat, and some marinara sauce. Then I serve it with pasta if I have enough SmartPoints to spare. If I don’t, I use zucchini noodles.
What I Snack On: 0 – 4 SmartPoints
Between meals and after dinner I usually eat snacks. Mostly I eat fresh fruit along with a protein like nuts or a small protein shake. I also enjoy some of the WW brand snacks. They are great as a low SmartPoint alternative to some of your favorite high SmartPoint snacks. My favs are the nacho tortilla chips, any of the crisps (barbecue, sea salt hummus or salt and vinegar) and the chocolate pretzel bars. You can find a wide range of WW brand snacks on WW. com, and your local WW Studio, or even in some stores and airports.

If there is a snack that I’m craving like ice cream, I check the serving size and see how many SmartPoints it would cost me. But if it’s over 5 points, I start with half of a serving and see if that takes care of the craving. Often times it does. If not, and I have SmartPoints to spare, I go for it especially if I have a stash of weekly points.
That’s pretty much what I eat in a typical day on the myWW Blue program. Not too boring, and not to adventurous, but it gets the job done.
What do you eat in a day on myWW Blue? Anything you suggest I try adding in to my meals, whether you’re on WW or not? Let me know if the comments!