my story…
It started with natural hair…
The idea for the Naturally Glam blog started eight years ago when I began to document my own journey with growing my natural hair. After learning about the connection between relaxed hair and fibroids, I educated myself and developed a healthy hair routine that did not include chemicals.
I began to share my journey in an email newsletter for a few family and friends, which turned into a list of over 100 email contacts in just over a month! After a friend suggested I start a blog to share this information with not just those I knew, but to many more so I started in January 2012.
As became a nationally recognized and award-winning blog, I started speaking and served as panelist for several events and conferences, such as the Blogger Week Unconference, Return of the Curls, and the Ask Dr. Renee Show.
In 2015, I added author and educator to my title by collaborating as a writer for the “From Blank Space to Blogging Brilliance” e-book and developing my own blogging e-course “How to Make Your Small Blog a Big Success”.
However, my impact grew as my belly grew…

…and transformed into something bigger.
As I began this self-love journey with my hair, I adopted a healthier balanced lifestyle that included vegan eating, frugal shopping, and regular exercise.
Once I became a mother in 2017, my focus from natural hair shifted again. My naturally glam philosophy includes to how I raise my son, Deuce. As a wife and mother, I want to show Black women how they can care for themselves naturally in a balanced and positive way.
What started as a platform to document my hair journey has grown into a platform where I demonstrate how to live healthily – in relationships, eating, and mindset while still being natural and glam. Through sharing how I balance my life as a wife, mother, and influencer, I strive to be an example of how Black women can be confident in their own skin even in a world of warped beauty standards.
At Naturally Glam being a natural glam beauty is about what you look like on the outside, but more importantly who you are on the inside.
“I empower real woman to develop a healthy lifestyle and mindset by creating content that inspires them to be natural and glam. Therefore, for the past 8 years, I’ve built Naturally Glam based on self-respect, kindness, & modesty.”
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