As a mother who works outside of the home, a lot has changed about my morning routine now that I have a one-year-old toddler. When I returned to work after having my son, I arrived at work anytime between 6:00am to 7:00am. So a lot of his morning routine, I missed because I was already at work.
Once he turned one, some changes in my department made me start to look at other opportunities within the company. I wanted to be closer to home and daycare, and hours that started later in the day and were more consistent. A couple months later, I landed a new position that allows me to spend more time in the morning with my son.

Here’s my morning routine (most days) as a working toddler mom!
Getting Myself Ready for the Day
My alarm clock goes off at 6:30am, and most morning I wake up before the alarm sounds, and so does my son. I used to be cuddle in bed with him during that time, but it is now exercise time for me. I get up, brush my teeth or at least swish around some mouthwash, get my workout clothes on, put my son in the stroller, and we go for a 20-30 minute walk.

Once we get back in, he’s ready for his cup of milk and I drink 12-18 ounces of water. While he’s drinking that, he hangs out with his dad or I put him back into his crib while I get in the shower. I usually listen to podcasts while I’m in the shower. I wash my body and face while in the shower, and every couple days I shave and exfoliate.
Once I’m done with the shower, I moisturize my skin and face, get the undergarments on, and get my clothes and shoes ready. Then I get things ready for my son. I pack up his food, then I prepare my lunch because he has to be out the door before I have to.
Getting My Toddler Ready for the Day
After we get in from our morning walk, I wash his face, and let him sit on the potty for a few minutes in case he goes. He drinks a cup of milk, and most days he throws his cup on the floor when he’s finished. So he is learning to wipe up any spills he makes and throw the paper towel in the trash. Then we usually let him sit on the potty again afterwards if his other trip to the potty came up empty.

By this time, I’m done getting myself ready except getting dressed. I start to put together my son’s lunch and snacks for daycare. At the same time, my husband is getting him dressed for school. We like to pick out his outfits for the week on Sunday evenings. That way my husband has options to choose from if something doesn’t fit, or the weather changes.

Once he’s dressed, we brush his teeth. This usually goes smoothly but sometimes, he doesn’t want our help. So we play a fun song about brushing your teeth and that usually helps.
Before We Head Out
Once my son is dressed and he’s ready to go, I get dressed and put on what I like to call ‘mask makeup’ since I wear a mask most of the day at work. A little eyebrow fill, mascara, and maybe some under eye concealer.
By this time, my husband is heading out the door so my son arrives at daycare in time for breakfast being served. We give hugs and kisses, say our ‘see you laters’ and ‘I love you’ and they head out. The last thing I do before leaving is walk the dog and make sure she has food, snacks and water. I also open the curtains and make sure my plants and the dog get some sunshine.
Then I’m out the door heading to work. And that’s my morning routine as a working mom with a toddler. What are your morning like?